Public Projects
Bids Due in 10 days
10/24/24 2:00pm
Foothill Drive Curve Realignment Project
Bids Due in 10 days
Solano County Public Works Engineering
Solano County, CA
General Work Description: Reconfigure the curve on Foothill Drive approximately 1,116' from the City of Vacaville limits. Construct a 32 feet wide roadway section of 2" of 1/2" HMA over 3" of 3/4" HMA over 12" of aggregate base. The work also includes: embankment construction, retaining wall, ditch excavation, concrete v-ditch, adjusting facilities to grade, signage and striping, and potential removal of hazardous waste.
Bidding Closed
8/23/24 5:00pm
Stevenson Bridge Road Bridge Environmental Consultant RFP
Bidding Closed
Solano County
Solano County, CA
Solano County is seeking professional services for environmental surveys, assessments, reporting, permitting, construction support, and compliance with environmental regulations. The work will include development of supplement reports, field surveys, and monitoring required to successfully complete the construction of Solano County’s Stevenson Bridge Road Bridge Rehabilitation Project.
Bidding Closed
8/20/24 2:00pm
Hay Road Improvement Project 2024
Bidding Closed
Solano County Public Works Engineering
Solano County, CA
General work description: Edge widening, cold planing, and 3" thick 3/4"-HMA overlay with geosynthetic interlayer on Hay Road from Burke Lane to State Route 113. The work also includes construction of a HMA driveway, roadside ditches, shoulder backing, striping, adjusting facilities to grade, and signage.
Bidding Closed
4/23/24 2:00pm
McCormack Road Improvement Phase 2
Bidding Closed
Solano County
Solano County, CA
General work description: 1) reconstruct an existing 24-foot-wide gravel road to a 32-foot-wide Hot Mix Asphalt road with 4-foot dirt shoulders, 2) road construction to a new design profile, and mass grading 3) reconstruct the road with Full Depth Reclamation - Concrete (FDR-C), 4) pave roadway with 2” thick HMA (1/2” Type A) over 3” thick HMA (3/4” Type A, 5) striped with Thermoplastic striping, 6) new roadway signs, and 7) erosion control measures.
Bidding Closed
1/31/24 5:00pm
RFP - Traffic Engineering Consulting Services
Bidding Closed
Solano County Public Works Engineering
Solano County, CA
Solano County Public Works Division invites qualified and experienced traffic and transportation consultants to submit proposals to perform a comprehensive Traffic Impact Analysis, capacity analyses, peer reviews of new projects and traffic model data, and a Local Road Safety Plan update. These consultant services will enhance Solano County’s understanding of existing traffic conditions, assess the traffic impacts of new development projects, and prioritize safety improvements for the community's well-being.
Bidding Closed
1/12/24 2:00pm
Cantelow Road Bridge Project
Bidding Closed
Solano County
Solano County, CA
Bidding Closed
11/30/23 2:00pm
On-Call Dead Tree Removal Project 2023
Bidding Closed
Solano County Public Works Engineering
Solano County, CA
General work description: Solano County requires tree removal services within Solano County Right-Of-Way on an As-Directed-Basis. The work will include removal and disposal of the trees, stump grinding, and tree trimming.
Bidding Closed
11/29/23 2:00pm
On-Call Guardrail Repair Project 2023
Bidding Closed
Solano County Public Works Engineering
Solano County, CA
General work description: Solano County has both Metal Beam Guardrail (MBGR) and Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) types. Replace, on an As-Directed-Basis, approximately 25 damaged guardrail sites. The work will include removal and replacement of the damaged sections. Some locations will require upgrades from MBGR to MGS.
Bidding Closed
8/29/23 2:00pm
Solano County Pleasants Valley Road Striping Repair
Bidding Closed
Solano County Public Works Engineering
Solano County, CA
General Work Description: Install thermoplastic edgeline (with and without audible stripe), and centerline at various locations on Pleasants Valley Road.
Bidding Closed
8/22/23 2:00pm
Benicia Road Improvement Project, Phase 1 & Suisun Valley Pedestrian Improvements HSIPSL-5923(130)
Bidding Closed
Solano County Public Works Engineering
Solano County
General work description: Safety and mobility improvements in the Vallejo area on Benicia Road and the Suisun Valley region. Suisun Valley improvements include the installation of concrete flatwork, other pedestrian facilities, guardrail, signage, and striping. Benicia Road improvements include the installation of concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, micro-surfacing, and signage & striping.